
Workflow Learning

Our people must upskill and reskill quicker than ever before, whilst continuing to hold down their day jobs. Rather than send people away on training courses, use learning workflows to empower employees to take control by chunking learning into easy-to-manage steps that can be completed whilst continuing with their working day.

People Alchemy facilitates this and more, by encouraging learners to practice, reflect and log their experiences to create real behavioural change in the day-to-day flow of work.

People learn by doing

Practice makes perfect

The 70:20:10 model is renowned in L&D for its impact and utility. And it gives us an important piece of guidance: people learn best by doing. Workflow learning is experiential learning at its finest by enabling learners to practice, apply and reflect on their learning experiences – essential for long-term skills mastery.

With People Alchemy, you can facilitate learning directly in the context it’s needed and put employee performance first. Provide learners with prompts, nudges, and activities to provoke learning application and active practice in the workplace.

Tapping into the power

Key benefits of our learning workflow platform:

Automate follow ups

Integrating your workflow learning with a classroom session? Automate follow ups to sustain contact and influence learners way beyond the classroom.

Fast-track success

Give learners space to practice and develop skills – fast-tracking your organisation’s journey to success.

Perfect blend

Works alongside and supercharges any existing formal learning interventions by providing vital experiential learning component.

Keep it human

Encourage learner interaction with their mentors or managers. Facilitate communication directly within the platform, holding both accountable.

Tactical, practical learning

Digitised for the modern world

The modern, remote workplace reduces the ability to train ‘on-the-job’. Those with the skills, insights and knowledge that learners need are not always in the same place as the people who need it. Which means if you truly want your learners to learn from the best in the business, you need to go digital.

People Alchemy bridges the gap between remote learners and their mentors, and fuels personalised, informal training. Digitise face-to-face training quickly and easily, all whilst supporting consistent learning by prompting learners to practice their skills with automated emails or texts. Meet their modern expectations by embedding rich media and encouraging learners to record their reflections directly within the platform.

Simple format, brief and concise chapters which get to the nub of the issue. As a new manager it is encouraging to be able to immediately implement positive actions for change, and it puts me in the driver’s seat by making me feel more in control of where I am going and how to get there.

Team Lead Design Studio

Facilitate learning where it makes most sense

Encourage learning by doing

People learn best by doing – and that means the most logical environment for learning is in the workplace. People Alchemy’s Learning Workflow Platform fuels learning in the flow of work, empowering your people to practice and hone their skills on-the-job, resulting in real skills mastery.

  • Encourage practice, reflection and repetition of tasks and activities to ensure mastery of newly acquired skills and knowledge.
  • Engage managers in the learning workflow by delivering prompts, reminders and learner communications, increasing accountability from all parties.
  • Turn your learning programme into a fully-supported learning journey which actually instigates behavioural change. Our Learning Workflow Platform aligns with the 70:20:10 framework to create impactful, blended programme delivery.

Find out more about the People Alchemy platform

Frequently asked questions

You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers. Everything you need to know about our Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) is right here, or talk to us.

  • What is a learning workflow?

    A learning workflow is a sequence of learning and related activities that result in not just gaining knowledge, but also putting that knowledge to use by generating skills and new behaviours. Find out more.

  • How do managers get involved with this new way of learning?

    It’s easy to see how critical managers are to the success of learning programmes. People Alchemy is setup to support the delegates' line managers with what they need to in turn support the delegates. The Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) will also hold the managers to account for doing what they need to do to support their learners as they progress though the assigned activities in the learning workflow.

  • How does People Alchemy work if the learner does not have a computer or work email address, for example, logistics or retail staff?

    Learners will need a computing device with a browser and the internet to access People Alchemy. If the delegates don’t have access to a computer, you could provide some loan tablets they can use while they are on a programme, or they could use their phone if they are willing to do so. As for notifications, these can be sent by SMS, or email, or both.

  • How do people fit the pathway activities into an already busy workday?

    We will help you design your programme, pathway and activities so they integrate into the delegate's workflow. We will help you ensure your pathway has balanced and sustainable activity and cognitive loads. It is obviously also important that delegates are supported to prioritise their development so you will need to work with their line managers.

People Alechemy

Every day is a learning day

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Sharing expertise and experience is a way of life here at People Alchemy; so let us share with you. Steeped in research, pedagogy and science, our resources will not only help you evolve your approaches in L&D, but also pave the way for your brighter future in learning.

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