I want them to stop doing that!

Ask managers what they want their team to do as result of the training course.

Unfortunately, some behaviour change outcomes are couched in terms of what a manager wants their team to stop doing, but without any indication of what people should do instead.

Stopping something leaves a vacuum, and the thing that fits that vacuum perfectly is (you guessed it) the old behaviour.

You need to create a new behaviour. What do you want them to do instead of the undesired behaviour?

Ideally, design the new behaviour so that doing it means the old one cannot sneak back in.

When talking about behavioural outcomes, it’s always useful to talk about…

1. What you want them to stop doing
2. What you want them to start doing
3. What you want them to continue doing
4. What you want them to do even more of

Together with the managers of the trainees, make a list of behaviours under these headings.

For each behaviour, agree what you will call it, how you will define it, and how you will know/notice that what you want is happening.

Now you have your behavioural outcomes and the measures you can use to determine progress and success in reaching those outcomes.

Conditions that trigger behaviour change