Remove learning barriers – reduce effort

A CEB white paper (Delivering an Effortless Learning Experience, 2016) concluded that learning outcomes are more successful when digital programmes are designed to minimise unnecessary effort rather than focus on engagement and fun.

While making learning fun, proliferating learning channels, and providing learning in a more timely fashion has led to better ‘happy sheets’ and higher reported learner satisfaction, it has apparently not led to an increase in learning applied on the job. According to their survey, only 37% of digital learning experienced in the last six months had been applied to the job. I wonder what that figure would be after another six months?

The CEB report states that learners value an effortless learning experience more than other learning characteristics. They state that L&D can improve learning application by a factor of 2.7 by making sure accessing, consuming, and seeing the applicability of that learning is as effortless as possible.

They use the phrase: “Development is hard; the experience shouldn’t be”.


Develop L&D staff capabilities and mindsets to deliver effortless learning experiences rather than deliver engaging learning products.

They should be considering all the touch points for digital learning, indeed, any learning initiative, and look for friction.

What gets in the way? What frustrates people? What do they tolerate now that used to frustrate them?

How can you remove that friction?

Without friction, learners can then focus on their learning rather than fighting with systems and processes.

Transformation of traditional or ‘paper’ based systems onto a digital platform, when done right, can remove a lot of friction and we have evidence of that in our work with digital transformation in the NHS and elsewhere.

By the way, if you are in the NHS, you might be interested in the ‘Care Certificate Celebration Day 2023 Webinar’ on 5th December. Register here.