Who do the learners in your organisation copy?

I was going to put a pithy quote in here from someone way cleverer than me, so I searched for “your actions are louder than your words”.

I got back a plethora of quotes with this theme. One site had 60 of them.

This is a serious concept, so pay attention…

You may think of them as leaders, even when they don’t consider themselves as leaders. These are the employees who tend to set the tone and the culture because other employees copy them.

Maybe they have been employees a long time, or maybe they have influence because of seniority, or maybe they have some innate charisma that people follow.

Whatever the reason, they are seen as exemplars of how things are supposed to be done.

So, my questions to you…

First, who are they?

Second, do they embody the new behaviours your training course is designed to engender?

If not, you need to ‘convert’ them first, or they will be a constant drag on any change you are seeking to achieve.

Now… Here is the pithy quote I liked best:

“A promise is a cloud; fulfilment is rain.” – Arabian Proverb

Think about it…