Understanding the difference between clinical skills and competencies in the NHS

In the realm of healthcare, particularly within the National Health Service (NHS), the terms ‘clinical competencies’ and ‘clinical skills’ are often mentioned in tandem, yet they hold distinct meanings. Each plays a crucial role in the fabric of patient care, shaping the professional practices of healthcare workers across the UK. For Learning & Development professionals working with the NHS, understanding these concepts is key to recognising the standards and expectations set for healthcare professionals. This article aims to dissect and articulate the subtle differences between clinical competencies and skills, shedding light on their individual contributions to the NHS’s commitment to quality care.

What are clinical competencies?

Clinical competencies within the NHS encompass the amalgamation of skills, knowledge, and behaviours that healthcare professionals must exhibit to deliver effective and safe patient care. These competencies are meticulously structured, often detailed within various frameworks that serve to guide professionals across different specialties. They encapsulate the essence of what it means to be not only proficient but also reflective and responsive within a clinical setting.

For example, a nurse’s clinical competencies might include the ability to assess and monitor patients, administer medications, provide wound care, and collaborate with other healthcare team members. Each competency is layered, requiring a depth of understanding and application that goes beyond the mechanical performance of tasks. It’s about making informed decisions, understanding the implications of actions on patient outcomes, and constantly adapting to the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare needs.

The NHS, through its educational and regulatory bodies, ensures that these competencies are clearly defined and accessible. For instance, the Core Competencies for Band 5 Registered Nursing Staff articulate the expected standards of registered nurses within the NHS, ensuring there is a consistent approach to patient care across all NHS Trusts.

These competencies are not static; they evolve in response to new evidence, technologies, and changing healthcare landscapes. As such, they form a cornerstone of the professional development journey, offering a roadmap for career progression and the assurance of high-quality care that patients and the wider public trust.

Clinical skills: the hands-on approach to patient care

Clinical skills are the tangible, practical abilities that healthcare practitioners utilise to directly care for their patients. These skills encompass a range of hands-on procedures and tasks that are essential to the day-to-day management of patient health. They are the embodiment of a practitioner’s capacity to apply theoretical knowledge in a clinical setting, and they form the foundation of any healthcare professional’s toolset.

Examples of clinical skills include:

  • Venepuncture: The process of obtaining a blood sample from a vein, typically using a needle and syringe.
  • Cannulation: Inserting a cannula into a vein to provide a route for medication, fluids, or nutritional substances directly into the bloodstream.
  • Wound care: Cleaning, dressing, and managing wounds to promote healing and prevent infection.
  • Patient assessment: Conducting physical exams, taking medical histories, and performing diagnostic tests to determine patient conditions.

In the NHS, these skills are often taught through rigorous training and development programmes and are subject to continuous assessment to ensure proficiency and up-to-date practice. As with competencies, clinical skills must align with the NHS’s high standards of patient care and safety.

The mastery of clinical skills is crucial for healthcare professionals to provide effective interventions and to react competently in varying situations. While theoretical knowledge provides the why and what of patient care, clinical skills are about the how. In essence, they enable healthcare professionals to translate their knowledge and competencies into action.

The interplay between competencies and skills

Understanding the relationship between clinical competencies and clinical skills is akin to appreciating the intricate workings of a timepiece. Each gear and spring, while distinct in function, collaborates seamlessly to ensure accuracy and reliability. In the NHS, competencies and skills interlock in a similar fashion to produce a healthcare system that strives for excellence.

Clinical competencies can be thought of as the overarching blueprint that guides healthcare professionals. These competencies include the combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to perform one’s role effectively. They are the standards by which healthcare workers are assessed, providing a comprehensive overview of what is required both ethically and professionally.

Clinical skills, on the other hand, are the individual gears within this blueprint. They are the specific, learned tasks that a healthcare worker performs, such as taking blood pressure or administering injections. These skills are the tangible expressions of a professional’s competence.

The interplay between competencies and skills is dynamic. While competencies capture the essence of expected performance, it is the practical application of clinical skills that brings this performance to life. Proficiency in clinical skills demonstrates a healthcare worker’s ability to translate their competencies into real-world scenarios, delivering the standard of care that is expected within the NHS.

For example, a competency might require a nurse to demonstrate effective communication with patients and colleagues. The associated clinical skills would include the ability to clearly explain procedures to patients, actively listen to their concerns, and collaborate with other healthcare team members to coordinate care.

Continuous learning: the pathway to excellence in healthcare

The integration of competencies and skills ensures that healthcare professionals are not only capable of performing their duties but are also adaptable and responsive to the complexities of individual patient needs. This integration is crucial for the delivery of personalised, patient-centred care—an ethos at the core of the NHS.

In practice, this means that NHS trusts and educational bodies must provide training and evaluation in both areas. A nurse might attend a workshop to refine their communication skills (a clinical skill) which, in turn, elevates their competency in delivering patient-centred care. Similarly, a doctor’s ability to diagnose (a competency) is dependent on their mastery of auscultation (a clinical skill).

Both competencies and skills are subject to evaluation and re-evaluation, ensuring that healthcare professionals continue to deliver care that meets the evolving standards of the NHS. The ultimate goal is a harmonised system where competencies inform the development of skills, and the perfection of skills reinforces and embodies the desired competencies. It’s this synergy that underpins the efficacy of the NHS and inspires confidence in the care it provides.

In the fast-paced world of healthcare, continuous learning and professional development are the bedrock of maintaining and enhancing clinical competencies and skills. Within the NHS, the commitment to lifelong learning is paramount, ensuring that every healthcare worker is equipped to meet the high standards of patient care inherent to the service.

The pursuit of excellence in healthcare is a never-ending journey. It demands a proactive approach to education, with healthcare professionals engaging in regular training and assessments that challenge and expand their capabilities. The NHS fosters this environment of perpetual growth through a variety of initiatives, including:

  • Mandatory Training: Keeping staff updated on essential healthcare practices and regulatory compliance.
  • Specialist Courses: Enabling practitioners to delve deeper into their fields of interest or to specialise in certain areas.
  • Simulations and Workshops: Offering hands-on experiences that sharpen clinical skills in a controlled, supportive environment.
  • Mentorship Programmes: Encouraging knowledge sharing and guidance from more experienced colleagues.

These learning opportunities are not just about refining existing competencies and skills. They are also about staying abreast of the latest medical advancements, technologies, and methodologies that can transform patient care.

Furthermore, the NHS promotes reflective practice, encouraging healthcare professionals to critically evaluate their own performance, learn from their experiences, and make informed changes to their practice. This reflective approach is crucial in adapting to new challenges and integrating new insights into patient care.

The synergy of continuous learning with the rigorous assessment of competencies and skills ensures that NHS staff can confidently provide care that is both current and compassionate. It is this dedication to ongoing professional development that helps safeguard the quality of the NHS and its reputation for excellence in patient care.

Conclusion: elevating patient care through competencies and skills

It’s evident that both clinical competencies and clinical skills are indispensable to the fabric of the NHS. Together, they form a robust framework that underpins the delivery of patient care that is both effective and empathetic.

Clinical competencies represent the comprehensive suite of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours that healthcare professionals must embody. They serve as a beacon, guiding practitioners towards the high-quality, person-centred care that the NHS espouses.

Clinical skills, with their hands-on, practical nature, are the tools through which these competencies come to life. They are the means by which healthcare workers engage with and treat patients, applying their competencies in a tangible and impactful way.

The NHS’s dedication to fostering these competencies and skills through a culture of continuous learning and improvement is key to its success. It ensures that healthcare providers are not only competent in their roles but are also evolving with the advancements in medical knowledge and technology. This steadfast commitment is what allows the NHS to maintain its revered standards of patient care and adapt to the ever-changing healthcare environment.

Further information

The Department of Health and Social Care’s new plan for digital health and social care A plan for digital health and social care

Read More: Everything you need to know about NHS preceptorships

Read More: Understanding the 15 standards of the Care Certificate

Healthcare Learning Workflow Platform for clinical competency frameworks

If you’re finding it difficult to track and evidence training, it may be time to transition to a digital format. The People Alchemy Learning Workflow Platform offers a pioneering way to deliver, monitor, assess and evidence your clinical skills – and see tangible savings in admin overheads.
