An NHS Trust’s digitalisation journey with the People Alchemy ePortfolio platform

When an acute hospital and community services NHS Foundation Trust decided to explore a new ePortfolio system to deliver their Care Certificate programme [*1], the initial reaction was one of scepticism. After all, many of the systems in use across various NHS Trusts have a reputation for being clunky and failing to address the diverse learning needs of their staff. However, what began as a cautious step into the unknown soon transformed into a remarkable success story and the platform was consequently rolled out to other healthcare staff development programmes. 

[*1] based on the standards for the Care Certificate are set by Health Education England and Skills for Care 

Seeking a better solution

A few years ago, a Practice Development Facilitator within this NHS Trust was tasked with finding an ePortfolio [*2] platform that would not only simplify the delivery and assessment of the Care Certificate but also cater to a broad spectrum of staff with varying academic abilities. With concerns about the accessibility, ease of use, and ability to demonstrate a clear learning journey, the stakes were high. The Trust was keen to avoid a repeat of past experiences with systems that offered little more than a digital filing cabinet.

The platform needed to be user-friendly, integrate competencies and assessments seamlessly, and support learners with additional requirements, such as those for whom English is a second language or with different learning needs, e.g. dyslexia. The facilitator was particularly focused on ensuring that the platform would engage learners, encourage genuine understanding rather than rote memorisation, and provide a transparent overview of everyone’s progress.

[*2] What is an NHS ePortfolio?

Early success 

The choice to implement the People Alchemy ePortfolio platform proved to be a game-changer for this medium sized NHS Trust. The facilitator quickly discovered that the platform offered far more than anticipated.

“I got more than I envisioned. It was better than I ever imagined it would be,” they reflected.

The system’s transparency allowed for real-time tracking of progress, something that had been sorely lacking with the old paper-based methods. 

The ability to see at a glance where learners were struggling—whether as individuals or across entire teams—enabled timely interventions and more effective support. This was particularly valuable given the Trust’s complex structure, with staff spread across both hospital and community settings.   

Enhancing the learning experience 

The platform also brought about a significant shift in how the Care Certificate was delivered. Historically, there was a disconnect between the knowledge and competency-based assessments, often resulting in superficial learning. With the new platform, the facilitator was able to redesign the programme, ensuring that the two components were interlinked in a meaningful way.  

This redesign extended to the order in which competencies were introduced and assessed, as well as the incorporation of additional resources, such as links to video content and external websites, to support learners. The facilitator also added a reflective section [*3] at the end of the programme, a non-mandatory but highly insightful component that allowed Healthcare Assistants to articulate how the training had impacted their practice.

[*3] Why is reflection one of the most important factors in successful learning?

Real-world impact

One of the most significant outcomes of implementing the People Alchemy platform was the improvement in the quality of answers provided by learners. The facilitator observed that many staff members, particularly those who were initially resistant to digital tools, found the platform easy to use. The simplicity of accessing the system via smartphones and other devices contributed to this positive experience, making it a win-win for both the staff and the training team.  

In practical terms, the platform also reduced the administrative burden on the facilitator, freeing up time for direct support and interaction with staff. The availability of detailed reporting meant that potential issues could be identified and addressed much earlier, further enhancing the quality of the training.

Positive feedback across the board 

The move to a digital platform was in line with the broader NHS agenda to embrace digital solutions [*4]. Not only has the platform improved the training experience but has also facilitated better communication within teams, strengthened the role of assessors, and contributed to better patient care.

“The NHS as an entity very much does have a digital agenda. And we are slowly making that transition over to being more and more digital with all sorts of different levels of patient care. It’s been a huge positive experience for us. It’s changed things for the better for us as a Trust. It’s changed things for the better for me. And I can see the improvement within our Healthcare Assistants as well. I haven’t seen any downsides.”

The facilitator also shared that the platform has played a role in recruitment. At recent events, prospective Healthcare Assistants were shown the Care Certificate on an iPad, which helped to alleviate their concerns about entering a new and potentially daunting career. The ability to demonstrate the structured support and training provided by the Trust, backed by real examples from the platform, made a strong impression.

[*4] Introduction to NHS digitalisation

Looking to the future

The Trust is confident that the People Alchemy platform will adapt to meet future needs. They have already expanded its use beyond the Care Certificate to include preceptorships, clinical skills, and safeguarding. The platform has become an integral part of the Trust’s training and development strategy.

Paul Matthews, the architect of the learning workflow platform the ePortfolios are running on has since worked with a number of NHS Trust on their digitalisation journey.

“The most frequent comments I get from administrators at the Trusts we work with is the immediate visibility of staff progress through the various programmes. The at-a-glance visibility saves them a huge amount of time and reduces uncertainty compared with their previous systems. This in turn makes managing the programmes so much easier.”

If you work for an NHS Trust considering a digital solution to enhance their training programmes, we hope this journey serves as a compelling example of how the right ePortfolio platform can make a significant difference—not only in terms of administrative efficiency but, more importantly, in the quality of care provided to patients.  

What are the next steps on your journey? Find out…

NHS digitalisation