About the Platform

About Our Learning Workflow Platform

If you’re looking to change your learners’ behaviour, our Learning Workflow Platform is the perfect solution. Learning workflows are your opportunity to deliver real impact from your learning through improved performance.

People Alchemy is laser focused on getting you results. Application of learning via tasks, reflection and activities within a programme of learning helps your learners master new skills, whilst automation, push notifications and off-the-shelf workflows make administering learning a breeze. It’s time to embrace the future of learning.

Revolutionise your learning with an innovative learning workflow platform

Let’s be honest. L&D is wedded to the LMS. We’ve seen countless permutations of the learning management system enter our worlds, but their approach is always the same. Serve up content. Let learners consume content. Rinse and repeat and get limited results. The reality is, ‘doing’ content rarely translates to a change in behaviour. To really do something differently, learners need to, well, start doing it.

Our Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) focuses on delivering activities, not content. Then you get true learning transfer and application of knowledge. People Alchemy gets learners practicing skills again and again to improve performance.

This is not an LXP. Or an LMS.
This is an LWP and it’s instigating real change in learning.

People Alchemy understands how learning needs to work and the role learning transfer has in that. The system mimics this thinking. It shows an understanding of what needs to happen for us in L&D to be effective and make a difference. And because of that understanding they develop the technology in the right way. They focus on what it is you need your people to do because the system can enable that.

Neil Head of L&D

Embedding change

How does People Alchemy’s learning workflow platform work?

Rather than focusing on reams of elearning content as the crux of your learning strategy, People Alchemy uses fundamental pedagogical theories to solidify the transmission from learning to doing using learning workflows.

Learning by doing

It’s not easy to learn a new skill without practicing it. Our Learning Workflow Platform allows you to educate your learners and then provide them with a step-by-step process, or workflow, to practice, experience and learn their new skills.

Changing behaviour

Learning is pretty pointless if people don’t change their behaviour afterwards. Our learning workflows ensure your learners are able to practice, repeat and reflect on their newly acquired skills over time. By fitting into the flow of work, People Alchemy helps learners to build new habits, change behaviour and master skills.

Key features of our learning workflow platform

Our SaaS tool is jam-packed full of features straight out of the box.

  • Learning workflows

    Embed learning and change behaviour with step-by-step tasks and activities.

  • Activities and tasks

    Give learners space to play with new knowledge through experimentation, reflection and activities.

  • Personalisation

    Add custom layers to pathways and tweak the pace at which a learner learns according to their specific needs.

  • Automation

    Sustain learning through consistent, automated interactions.

  • Forum and feedback

    Bolster mentorships in your organisation by facilitating communication and collaboration.

  • Push notifications

    Engage learners with email and SMS prompts to keep them on track with their learning.

  • Off-the-shelf workflows

    Save time and deliver high quality management training with our ready to go workflows.

  • Prove ROI

    Use our value add tool to measure learning impact and truly understand the value of the learning programme.

  • Rich media

    Embed videos, link to SCORM content and have learners upload feedback directly within the platform.

  • Ongoing support

    Secure your success with UK-based servers and on-hand, in-house consultants.

  • Multi-lingual

    Build pathways in any language you like and make learners feel at ease anywhere in the world.

  • Time zone aware

    Deliver notifications and learning at times which are relevant and appropriate for learners.

  • Add-ons

    Support qualifications, automate plagiarism checks, track and manage CPD easily with our platform add-ons.

  • Reporting

    Pull data from the system in different formats to suit your needs, or we can build custom data extracts for you.

  • And lots more...


How to use it

The sky is truly the limit when it comes to how you can use learning workflows to improve learning transfer. That being said, here are some of the most common ways our clients are using our platform.

Learning Transfer Platform

Facilitate on-the-job skills application and allow learners to build new habits. Find out more

Workflow Learning

Encourage learners to practice and reflect directly in the flow of work. Discover now

Digital Care Certificate

Monitor their progress and help your care staff deliver high-quality, safe and compassionate care. Get the details

Management Development

Move beyond theory and classroom-based learning and boost the potential of your managers. Explore more

Leadership Development

Build more proficient leaders by facilitating practice, reflection and repetition. Learn more

Digital NHS Preceptorship

Say goodbye to paper-based learning and use technology to support your preceptees. Explore now

Onboarding and Induction

Make sure you get the first impression right, every time with learning workflows. Learn how

Coaching & Mentoring Development

Combine both formal and informal learning to develop pragmatic, dynamic coaches. Uncover how

Clinical Skills in the NHS

Ensure all your clinical staff are trained and qualified to deliver safe and high-quality care. Discover more

Benefits for your business

There are many reasons why learning transfer is critical to your organisation, but here are three of our favourites.

  1. Make sure your learning actually delivers impact

    The core purpose of developing employees is to affect their behaviour. Make them do something differently. Change how they do things. Our platform is built to promote learning transfer through practice, helping you to get better results from your learning.

  2. Better engage employees, reduce turnover and improve performance

    Reams of content don’t always connect your people to the business. But by building workflows into their day-to-day roles you can increase their connections at work, better support them and ultimately, make them more engaged with your business.

  3. Support specific cohorts of employees for very distinct use cases

    If you have very specific training requirements for just a selection of employees, implementing a new LMS doesn’t make much sense. Because People Alchemy is affordable, it can support even a handful of learners without compromising on learning outcomes (and can sit alongside your LMS if need be!).

Find out more about the People Alchemy platform

Frequently asked questions

You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers. Everything you need to know about our Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) is right here, or talk to us.

  • How is the People Alchemy Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) different to an LMS or LXP?

    A Learning Management System (LMS), or a Learning Experience Platform (LXP), is setup to deliver content. The traditional LMS focuses more on the needs of administrators, and the LXP focuses more on the needs of the learners. It's important to remember that there is so much more to achieving behaviour change than delivering content, however well that is done. A Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) focusses on delivering activities and tasks to people to ensure that learning is translated into effective new behaviours, and therefore tangible results. Learning Management System (LMS) vs Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) – all you need to know

  • I already have a Learning Management System (LMS). What does the People Alchemy Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) do that an LMS does not do?

    An LMS is good at delivering content and keeping track of who has consumed that content. If you want that content consumption to turn into changes in the way employees do their jobs, they need to do something with it. They need to experiment and practice their new knowledge to turn it into embedded skills that result in sustained behaviour change. An LWP can deliver content, but takes the process to its logical conclusion by also delivering activities to ensure the content gets used.

  • How does a Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) promote better learning outcomes?

    The learning outcomes we are usually looking for are changes in behaviour so that people are doing their jobs more effectively and getting better results for the organisation. The only way you will get reliable and sustained behaviour change is to get people started on doing things differently, and then ensuring they practice so the changes become embedded habits. For this, you need to provide a sequence of planned activities spread over time, and this is exactly what a LWP does.

  • Is People Alchemy also a Learning Transfer Platform (LTP)?

    The acronym LTP was coined a few years ago to refer to a Learning Transfer Platform. The People Alchemy Learning Workflow Platform has wider range of uses than an LTP but does encompass all the features you need for learning transfer. So yes, the People Alchemy platform is also an LTP.

  • How long does it take to implement the People Alchemy Learning Workflow Platform (LWP)?

    The technical implementation of People Alchemy is quick and can be done in a few days or even quicker with default settings and off-the-shelf pathways. Having said that, there is usually some different thinking needed to implement the platform effectively and integrate it with new or existing learning programmes. We will help with that process as part of the implementation fee and can advise on likely timescales when we have a better idea of your needs.

  • What skills are needed to implement the People Alchemy Learning Workflow Platform (LWP)?

    We often say that coaching skills are useful because this helps with the philosophy of People Alchemy in terms of tasking people to promote change. Also, like any implementation, some project management skills are useful. You don’t need technical skills other than general IT literacy. We can help as much or as little as you need from providing advice and training through to building pathways for you. We see ourselves as your solution partner.

  • Is the People Alchemy Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) data secure and fully GDPR compliant?

    People Alchemy is hosted in a secure top tier secure data facility in the UK. All data at rest is encrypted. Our systems are regularly penetration tested and maintained in line with industry-wide data security best practice. Each user has a defined role and permissions which ensures they can only access the information that they need. People Alchemy complies with all relevant legislation including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  • Will People Alchemy run on mobile devices?

    Yes, the web-app is fully responsive and works very well on smartphones and other mobile devices. Also, when logged in on a mobile device a user can directly access the camera and upload video assignments to the system.

  • Do I have to roll out the People Alchemy Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) to all employees?

    Unlike a Learning Management System (LMS) where all employees are typically given access, you would only make People Alchemy available to staff on a programme-by-programme basis. You can start with a pilot project and roll it out at a speed that suits you and your employees. TEST

  • What is a learning workflow?

    A learning workflow is a sequence of learning and related activities that result in not just gaining knowledge, but also putting that knowledge to use by generating skills and new behaviours. Find out more.

  • How do managers get involved with this new way of learning?

    It’s easy to see how critical managers are to the success of learning programmes. People Alchemy is setup to support the delegates' line managers with what they need to in turn support the delegates. The Learning Workflow Platform (LWP) will also hold the managers to account for doing what they need to do to support their learners as they progress though the assigned activities in the learning workflow.

  • Can we add our own branding to the system?

    Yes, you can add your logo. Further changes can be made with a skin feature and also the system can be hosted on your own or a custom domain.

  • What is the licensing model?

    The licensing is typically based on an annual license with optional plugins for features like extra languages, and then a once-only fee per Learner as they are added to the system.

  • Can I use People Alchemy to manage the delivery of a qualification?

    People Alchemy has an optional qualifications addon that provides features that make running a programme linked to a qualification easy. It caters for extra users such as assessors and verifiers and provides a space for them to see the entire programme and e-portfolio, and to hold their notes and comments in a single place. No more juggling of emails, lost assignments and paper folders.

  • Can the delegate upload an audio or video file for assessment?

    Yes. Files can be uploaded form a PC after recording or uploaded directly after capture from a mobile phone. The maximum file size is 1 Gb.

  • How does People Alchemy work if the learner does not have a computer or work email address, for example, logistics or retail staff?

    Learners will need a computing device with a browser and the internet to access People Alchemy. If the delegates don’t have access to a computer, you could provide some loan tablets they can use while they are on a programme, or they could use their phone if they are willing to do so. As for notifications, these can be sent by SMS, or email, or both.

  • How do people fit the pathway activities into an already busy workday?

    We will help you design your programme, pathway and activities so they integrate into the delegate's workflow. We will help you ensure your pathway has balanced and sustainable activity and cognitive loads. It is obviously also important that delegates are supported to prioritise their development so you will need to work with their line managers.

  • How long does the pathway take to set up?

    Technically, not long at all. A simple pathway can be designed, built, and assigned to learners in a day although we would not recommend rushing it. The design stage can take time if the pathway is complex and remember, this is an innovative and different way of delivering learning which often requires a shift in thinking. People Alchemy is always on hand to help you get it right.

  • Can I amend the modules and content once it’s set up?

    The short answer is yes. Any content can be updated after the pathway has been assigned to learners who are progressing through it. The system has several update settings so you can update only content that users have not yet encountered, or update everything. You can even hide future content from learners so you can get them going on a pathway that isn’t yet fully designed and built.

  • Can I add notes to the learner's pathway and portfolio?

    Yes. There are several ways to add notes that are visible to the learner, or hidden from the learner but visible to admin users.

  • Can the pathway be paused if necessary?

    The pathway can be paused if the learner is on sick leave or on holiday, or is just behind their schedule and needs some time to catch up.

  • Can a learner have more than one mentor?

    The LWP is designed so that each learner has one nominated mentor, but further 'mentors' can be added if required. The nominated mentor can also be changed at any time by Admin.

  • Can a learner have more than one observer?

    Each learner, in addition to their assigned mentor, can optionally have other people assigned as observers, mentors, verifiers, assessors etc. These additional assigned people can add comments, and even act as the final signoff for QA purposes.

  • What about people who are not IT literate?

    We have found that there are very few people who cannot use the simple and intuitive system. People these days can use Facebook and other social systems. If they can do that, then they can use People Alchemy.

  • Does the platform offer plagiarism checking technology?

    Yes, the platform has an optional plagiarism checker plugin Plagiarism checking technology to enhance learning & development programmes

People Alechemy

Every day is a learning day

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